* Denotes that the field is mandatory

Please enter your details below to create an account with City of Parramatta. You can register as an individual or as a company. Once this form is received and verified by Council, you will receive a confirmation email informing you that you can start to use Councils Online Services. We will generally process your online registration within two (2) working days.

To receive electronic Rate Notices you will need to register via this LINK. For more information on the new and improved ways to pay your rates online please refer to our website

Please include your full name. If registering for a company you do not need to provide your given name.
Title *
First Name
Surname or
Company Name
We require at least one phone number in case we need to call you.
Email Address *
Email Address Confirmation *
Phone (Business Hours) *
Phone (Mobile)

Please note, if you are a Property Owner within the City of Parramatta this will NOT update your mailing address for rates notices.
To update your mailing address for future rate notices please click here.

Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Suburb *
State *
Postcode *
Create a User Name for your account. We highly recommend you choose a user name which is easy to remember such as your email address.

The User Name can be alpha numeric and is NOT case sensitive
User name (e.g. email address) *