Select Application Type
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Below is a list of the Application types that you can lodge online. Please select the required application type and click the Next button to continue.
Access to Information

City of Parramatta Council provides access to information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

The GIPA Act aims to make a wide variety of Council held information available to all sectors of the community unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. This open access information includes our policies, financial reports, public registers and documents relating to our decisions.

Council has produced an Information Guide which outlines the functions of Council, the types of information held by Council and what information is publicly available.

This information is generally made available on Council’s website and is available free of charge if not found online. Open access information includes: Contracts Register, Disclosure Log, Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes, Annual Reports, Policies and Codes, Plans of Management, Media Releases and recent Development Applications.

Council is encouraged to release information informally, subject to any reasonable conditions. Information that may be requested under informal access includes complaints excluding the complainant details, property owner details for tree or dividing fence matters or development and building applications not available online.

For this option, please choose Informal Request for Access to Information below. 

The release of all other information not made available online or by informal release can be made by way of a Formal Request for Access to Information (access application). Such requests may include information involving the business or personal information relating to a third party who must be consulted before the information can be released, information which is of a confidential nature or involves an extensive search.

An access application will be processed and determined by Council's Right to Information officer within 20 working days, in accordance with the GIPA Act. Formal requests have a fee of $30.00 and may also incur processing charges of $30.00 per hour, where the time taken to process the request exceeds one hour.

For this option, please choose Formal Request for Access to Information below. 

Privacy Notice
The information provided by you on this form will be used by City of Parramatta to process this application. The provision of this information is required and if not provided, Council may not be able to fully process your request. Once collected by City of Parramatta, the information can be accessed by you in accordance with City of Parramatta's Privacy Management Plan and Privacy Management Policy or in special circumstances, where legislation requires or where you give permission for third party access. You may also amend or correct your personal information by contacting City of Parramatta. City of Parramatta is the agency that holds the personal information and will store it securely.

 Application TypesDescription
Informal Request for Access to Information

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Please select this option to apply for Informal access to information held at Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and associated Regulations.

If you need help filling out this form, please contact the Access to Information team on 9806 5050, email or visit our website Access to information.

Formal Request for Access to Information


Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Please select this option to apply for Formal access to information held at Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and associated Regulations.

If you need help filling out this form, please contact the Access to Information team on 9806 5050, email or visit our website Access to information.


Roads and Parks Infrastructure


Parramatta City Council is here to serve the community. We do this in many ways, including making sure you, as a resident, have the information you need to interact safely and peacefully in the Council area during times of change and that others are protected during such activities. This includes ensuring:

  • Traffic is not unnecessarily interrupted
  • Pedestrians are safe during construction
  • Our environment is protected
  • Proper insurances are in place

Under specific circumstances (i.e. during construction, altering footpaths or managing trees), we require individuals and/ or contractors to:

  • Understand the regulations surrounding these activities
  • Inform us of the intention to take action before work begins
  • Secure authorisation/ sign-off for intended work (after one of our experts makes a site visit to review your plans)
  • Pay an inspection fee
  • In some cases there will be a cost for a permit
  • In some cases there will be a revisit to the site to ensure the work is completed in accordance with the agreed plans

Please take time to read the information we have provided for you here. If you have questions, please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives on 9806 5050, Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM

 Application TypesDescription
Footpath Crossing (Driveway) Application



Under the Roads Act 1993 as amended, “Roads Act 1993”: “a property owner is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the access from the roadway to their property.” This access is known as a footpath (driveway) crossing or vehicle crossing.

When you are intending to construct a new footpath crossing or reconstruct one that is damaged, you need to submit an application. The following application fee will apply: 

 Name Fee incl GST

(a) Inspection Fee –One (1) Crossing


(b)More than one (1) Crossing per Property – rate for each additional crossing inspected concurrently.

(c) Further inspections, if necessary, to be charged at the rate of: Per Inspection $113.95


IMPORTANT NOTE: If the proposed Footpath Crossing (Driveway) will/may impact a tree on Council land you are required to lodge an Assessment of a Street Tree Pre-Construction form for these works.

You Must Apply BEFORE Doing The Work.

To Apply:

You need to complete the Online Application, pay the Application Fee and provide mandatory details for the following:

o Before You Dig Australia (Cover Letter)

o Footpath Crossing/Driveway Design Plan

o Public Liability Insurance Certificate

o Worker's Compensation Insurance Certificate

Once received, the uploaded documents will be reviewed by Council’s Asset Planning Officer. If the application is successful, an “Approval to Commence” email will be sent to the applicant within 3 to 5 working days.

Please note: Work cannot commence on site until an email confirmation has been sent to the applicant from the Asset Planning Officer.

Once approval has been provided and you are ready to begin work, click Pre-Start Advice/Formwork Inspection to organise an inspection. 

For general enquiries only (Not Bookings) please contact Council Asset Planning Team on 02 9806 8250 between 8:30am – 2:30pm.

To view Council specification document, click on this link.

Road Opening Permit Application



You Must Apply BEFORE Doing The Work.

You must apply BEFORE doing any work in the Road Reserve (Council land outside your property boundary) and abide by the Road Opening Permit Conditions in this link.

As part of this Road Opening Application, a Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) from the Traffic Management Centre (TMC) of TfNSW is required for following streets in Epping, locations where applicants are working within 100m of Traffic Signals, or on Regional roads (refer to the permit conditions link above):

  • Oxford Street
  • Pembroke Street
  • Essex Street
  • Langston Place
  • Cambridge Street
  • Chester Street
  • Surrey Street
  • Norfolk Road

Applications will need to be submitted to the Transport Management Centre (TMC) via the Online Planned Incident (OPLINC) system located here. Once applications have been processed by TMC, final approval will rest with Council’s Traffic Team. Priority will be provided for all emergency works and potential urgent works may be considered on a case by case basis.

For more information, please forward your email to:

For site stormwater drainage connection design approvals or requests for inspection of drainage works within the public domain area, please contact Council’s Catchment Management Section on e-mail  

To Apply:

Before a permit is issued, you need to complete the online Application, pay the Application Fee and provide proof of currency within three months:

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance Certificate
  • Sole traders attach copy of business registration certificate
  • Worksite Details
  • Estimated Excavated Areas
  • Traffic Control Plan
  • Engineering Plans, details or sketch of proposed works

Once the construction is completed you must book an inspection to determine the scope of permanent restoration works.

Failure to finalise Road Opening Permit within 2 business days of the completion of works, will result in a Late Fee being charge as per the following Fees and Charges.

Name Fee incl GST

(1590) Late Fee – Charge to the  contractor where payment for the total area of excavation is not fully paid within 2 business days of the excavation being opened




    • Works in Parramatta CBD incur a surcharge of 40% of the scheduled fee for permanent restoration on works to cover the cost of completing the work outside normal business hours. Please refer to the map for CBD boundary.
    • Additional sites around Parramatta LGA may incur a surcharge of 40% of the scheduled fee. These include but not limited to locations requiring a Temporary Road Occupancy Permit (TRO), ROL, located within 100m of traffic lights, limited parking/no parking and at intersections or corners or locations requiring traffic control. Please contact Council's Asset Planning Team to determine if a surcharge applies to your location.
    • Please be aware that you may also have to apply for a TRO Temporary Road Occupancy Permit if you are working within the CBD, within 100 metres of traffic signals or on locations where no parking is available, or lane of traffic is blocked. Please contact Council's Traffic Team for further information.
    • Please be aware you may also have to apply for a Transport for NSW Road Road Occupancy License if you are working within 100 meters of traffic signals or on one of the roads listed above or in the conditions link above.

City of Parramatta Council does not grant the holder permission to carry out permanent restoration. Permission to carry out permanent restoration must be sought in writing from Council's Asset Planning Team. All applications for permanent restoration will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to strict conditions and a degradation fee as per Council's Fees and Charges (16.7.10 Restorations - Ref No 1594 or 1595).

Temporary Road/Footpath Occupancy


Traffic and Transport Services Team will be unavailable from COB Friday, 20 December 2024 to Friday, 3 January 2025.

Temporary Road Occupancy (TRO) applications will not be processed during this shutdown period.

TRO Permits for works to be undertaken during the shutdown period must be obtained by 20 December 2024.

Please click here for works within Parramatta Square

IMPORTANT:  This is not an application to open a road/footpath. You must apply and obtain approval BEFORE doing the work.

You must apply BEFORE doing any work in the Road Reserve (Council land outside your property boundary) and abide by the Temporary Road/Footpath Occupancy Permit Conditions link.

Application Requirements:
To apply for the permit, you will need to complete the online application and pay the non-refundable application. For this, you MUST provide the following documents or information:

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance Certificate
  • A Traffic Control Plan or Traffic Guidance Scheme which clearly shows both the work area, and the extent of the road and/or footpath that will be occupied with all dimensions clearly labelled. If these details cannot be shown on the TCP/TGS, then you must submit a separate plan with these details
  • An approved Road Occupancy Licence issued by the Traffic Management Centre must be provided with the application if any of the following is applicable:
    • You are working within 100m of traffic signals
    • If your works are affecting a Bus Lane
    • If your works will likely impact the operation of State Roads
    • If you are working on one of the roads identified within the Conditions document link
  • Written concurrence from the Bus Service provider if the works are on a road with a bus route
  • Details of any approved Works Zone if applicable
  • Details of the nature of works being conducted and a description of the traffic control measures

IMPORTANT: Failure to provide the above documents if applicable to your application will result in a REFUSAL and you will need to reapply. If you are unsure, please call Council’s Customer Service Team on 1300 617 058 and ask to speak to Traffic Services.


  • Urgent applications must be submitted before 9am Monday - Friday (during business days) for determination the following business day (provided that the required information has been submitted).
  • You are required to provide a start and end date, and you have the option of a back-up start and end date. Changes to the original or back-up dates will require a new application including payment of a new application fee.
  • If back-up dates are not provided in the original application, and/or in the event your works are delayed or postponed and Council has not been notified prior to the occupancy taking place, the existing application cannot be amended and a new online application will be required to be submitted for the new date.
  • Each permit can only be issued for a maximum of 7 days. Any works that require more than 7 days will need to be justified.
  • Additional payment or documents may be required after the initial assessment of the application. If the requested payment or documents are not received within 3 months from the date of submission, the application will be cancelled automatically.
  • Please note that new fees apply from 1st of July 2024. Please refer to the link below for Council’s Fees and Charges Schedule: here  (see section 7.25.5 on page 85)
  • Footpaths are not designed and constructed to withstand heavy loads, therefore heavy vehicles, machineries and crane outriggers shall not be placed on footpath.
    Council in special circumstances may permit standing heavy loads to be placed on footpath with conditions. This must be clearly requested and justified on the TRO application form.
Waste Container Permit


IMPORTANT:  This is not an application to open a road/footpath. You must apply BEFORE doing the work.

You must apply BEFORE doing any work in the Road Reserve (Council land outside your property boundary) and abide by the Waste Container Permit Conditions link.

To Apply:

Before a permit is issued, you need to complete the online Application, pay the Application Fee and provide the following information:

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Waste Container Company
  • Waste Container Dimensions
  • Plans or sketch of location of waste container


  • Urgent Applications must be submitted before 9am Monday - Friday (during business days) prior to the date of the waste container being delivered.
  • Each permit can only be issued for a maximum of 7 days.
Temporary Vehicle Access

Please be advised no temporary access applications will be assessed or approved from Friday the 20th of December 2024 until Monday the 20th of January 2024. Applications can still be submitted during this time, however they will not be assessed until after the 20th of January so please ensure requested dates for access are not before Monday the 10th of February 2025. Thank you for your understanding.

Council may permit temporary vehicle access through our parks and reserves under certain conditions for works within or associated with adjoining properties. All temporary vehicle access is subject to Council approval and individual merit assessment. The maximum time generally permitted for temporary access is 14 days, with extensions only granted under special circumstances.

Temporary access applications must be submitted to Council by the person/s undertaking the works or activities a minimum of 10 working days before the requested date. These are to be lodged via the below form to provide Council with information required for assessment. All requests are individually assessed and subject to our standard terms and conditions.

The following payments apply to all applications, as per our current Schedule of Fees and Charges. Please note, bond payments only apply to approved applications. 

Name Fee - GST free
Application Fee $210.00
Inspection Fee $157.50 per each inspection
Key Bond (if required) $150.00
Damage Bond

$1575.00 - Resident

$3150.00 - Non-Resident / Commercial - Minor

$6200.00 - Non-Resident / Commerical - Medium

$12,440.00 - Non-Resident / Commerical - Major

If you have any questions you can get in touch with our Parks and Open Space Team at

 Application TypesDescription
Tree Permit Application

Tree permit application (TA) requirements:

Tree permit applications should be used for most applicants however cannot be lodged for tree removal where the property in which the tree is situated is located within;

  • a Heritage Conservation Area (HCA),
  • the property contains a Heritage Item, or
  • the tree is considered to be an Aboriginal Object or
  • is within an Aboriginal place of Heritage Significance.

You can check if your property is listed as a heritage item or within a HCA via the NSW ePlanning spatial viewer

Should tree removal be proposed within any of the abovementioned circumstances you will need to lodge a Development Application for Tree Works (DA).

Note: Tree permit applications will be accepted for properties located within a Heritage Conservation areas or for properties that contains a Heritage Item where the proposed works are for pruning only.

Tree Permit Application forms will not be accepted if the tree being requested to be removed has been retained as part of a development application or to facilitate a complying development certificate application. In such instances, you will need to include the trees required to be removed in your plans and/or documents submitted with your application.

Tree Application Concession

Tree permit application (TA) for Concession Card holders' requirements:

Tree permit applications should be used for most applicants however cannot be lodged for tree removal where the property in which the tree is situated is located within;

  • a Heritage Conservation Area (HCA),
  • the property contains a Heritage Item, or
  • the tree is considered to be an Aboriginal Object or
  • is within an Aboriginal place of Heritage Significance.

You can check if your property is listed as a heritage item or within a HCA via the NSW ePlanning spatial viewer

Should tree removal be proposed within any of the abovementioned circumstances you will need to lodge a Development Application for Tree Works (DA).

Note: Tree permit applications will be accepted for properties located within a Heritage Conservation areas or for properties that contains a Heritage Item where the proposed works are for pruning only.

Tree Permit Application forms will not be accepted if the tree being requested to be removed has been retained as part of a development application or to facilitate a complying development certificate application. In such instances, you will need to include the trees required to be removed in your plans and/or documents submitted with your application.

Flooding Application - ResidentialSelect this option if you wish to apply for a Flooding Enquiry Application for a single residential dwellings and/or granny flats. Please allow up to 3 weeks for your application to be processed. NOTE: Due to a current increase in the number of flood application requests received by council, there may be a further delay in processing your application.
Flooding Application - Development DuplexSelect this option if you wish to apply for a Flooding Enquiry Application for other residential such as dual occupancies, multi-unit housing and residential flat buildings. Please allow up to 3 weeks for your application to be processed. NOTE: Due to a current increase in the number of flood application requests received by council, there may be a further delay in processing your application.
Flooding Application - CommercialSelect this option if you wish to apply for a Flooding Enquiry Application for industrial and mixed use buildings. Please allow up to 3 weeks for your application to be processed. NOTE: Due to a current increase in the number of flood application requests received by council, there may be a further delay in processing your application.
Drainage & Model Information EnquiryYou can use this option if you require: Council’s Stormwater pit and pipe drainage maps, councils flood studies reports, and flood models.
Stormwater Drainage Inspection BookingSelect this option to request an Inspection booking for Stormwater/Drainage.
Pre-Lodgement Development ApplicationSelect this application if you intend to lodge a development application (DA) and want feedback on initial design concepts and technical requirements from the City of Parramatta.
To maximise the value of the pre-lodgement meeting, please provide all relevant documents. The more thorough and accurate your lodgement, the more valuable the feedback you’ll receive.
Pre-Lodgement Planning Proposal ApplicationSelect this application if you intend to lodge a Planning Proposal and want feedback relating to a Masterplan, changes to planning controls, or site-specific Development Control Plans.
Hoarding ApplicationYou can use this form to obtain approval to erect hoardings and other temporary structures including scaffolding in, on or above a public road.
Tower Crane ApplicationYou can use this form to obtain approval to undertake hoisting activity via site-based hoisting equipment on, over or above a public road (roadway and / or footway). For hoisting activity using mobile devices, please contact Customer Contact Centre on 1300 617 058.
Dividing FencesSelect this option if you wish to apply for a Dividing Fence Pensioner Rebate Policy.
Heritage Minor Works

Select this option to request written authorisation to carry out minor works and/or maintenance to a heritage item or a place within a heritage conservation area without development consent.

If Council declines to grant an exemption, a Development Application must be lodged for the proposed works.

Local Heritage Fund Application

Select this option to submit a Local Heritage Fund Application. Our Local Heritage Fund provides small grants to owners of heritage items and properties in conservation areas for work that will improve the heritage value of a property. This may include maintenance work or reinstatement of missing original features such as fences. verandas, and decorative details.

Please note - the following mandatory documents must accompany your application. Please prepare/gather the documents specified below prior to lodging an application to make for a more seamless process: 

- Invoice of completed work
- Owner/s Signatures - Please complete the Owners Signature Form
- Before Photos
- After Photos