Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.

Infringements issued by Council can be paid online at the Revenue NSW website. NOTE: Payments can be made with either VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS with a minimum payment of $20.00.

Rates PaymentPlease refer to your Rates Notice for your Assessment Number
Debtors PaymentPlease have your Debtor number and Invoice number ready in order to make payment. You can refer to your invoice or statement for this information.
Application PaymentPlease have your application payment reference ready. This can be found on most correspondence from Council in relation to your application.
Licencing PaymentPlease have your licence/permit payment reference ready. This can be found on most correspondence from Council in relation to your licence.