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Waste Management
Illegally Dumped Rubbish
Cleaning of Public Amenities
General Information regarding Waste Management
Removal of litter
Public Bins Full
Waste Collection Service Requests
Waste Bin Damaged
Waste Bin Service Missed
Waste Bins Stolen
Waste Bin Remove
Waste Bins Left Out
Kerbside Clean Up Missed
Waste Contractor Complaint
Road Signs
Manufacture and Maintain Street Name signs
Laws and Enforcement
Unattended/Dumped Vehicle
Parking Offence
Prohibited Activity
Traffic and Transport
Issues at Driveways
Issues related to Schools
Road Safety
Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Line Marking
Parking Restriction Review (NOT for Enforcement)
Parking Offence (For Enforcement)
General Information
General Information
Information on Parks
Roads Surfaces
Repair of a Single Pothole
Repair of Multiple Potholes / Major Road Repairs
Street Sweeping
Traffic Island or Roundabout Maintenance
Repair of Existing Kerb & Gutter
Barricade Issues
Improvement of existing Street lighting
Maintenance of a Bus Shelter with Advertising
Damaged Street Furniture/Barriers
Repair of Existing Footpath
New Footpath
General Obstruction on the Footpath
Repair of existing Footpath ( Inspected by OLO's )
Parks and Reserves
Bushland Walking Track Maintenance
Maintenance of Sports Infrastructure
Maintenance of Council's Parks & Reserves
Maintenance of Council's Parks & Reserves Building
Maintenance of Park Furniture
Maintenance of Park Play Equipment
Flooding In Council's Parks & Reserves
Animal Management
Dead Animal on Council Land
Stray/Roaming Animal
Barking Dog
Trees on Council Land
Fallen Trees or Branches
A New Tree
Tree Maintenance
Tree Removal
Trees on Private Land
Trees on Private Land Overhanging Council Land
Breach of Tree Preservation Order on Private Land
Public Health
Skin & Hair Incident
Food Foreign Matter
Food Shop Hygiene & Handling
Food Labelling / Composition
Food Borne Illness Report
Public Pools and Spas Complaint
Drainage Issues on Private Land
Drainage Pit or Pipe Blocked
Drainage Pit Requires Maintenance
Development & Building Controls
Development - Not in Conformity (Private PCA)
Pollution Report
Pollution Report - Water/Dirty Water/Mosquitos
Pollution Report - Land Contamination
Environmental Management
Overgrown Verge that Requires Mowing
Overgrown Vegetation on Council Land
Graffiti on Council Land
Removal of Graffiti on Council Land
Council Properties
Maintenance of a Council Landscape